Hide, Fur, Desert, Ghillie, Riot, Scuba, Hazard WEAPON TIERSĠ or Primitive | For Bow, Pike, Spear, and Bola.ġ or Basic | For Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Longneck Rifle, Sword, and Grenade.Ģ or Advanced | For Compound Bow, Fabricated Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and C4 Charge.ģ or Tek | For Tek Grenade, Tek Rifle, Tek Railgun, and Tek Sword. This includes tamed creatures.Ĭheat destroystructures - Clears all structures off of the map, including your own.Ĭheat destroytribestuctures - Deletes all tribe structures off of the map.Ĭheat banplayer - Bans the specified player off of your ARK server.Ĭheat allowplayertojoinnocheck - Adds the specific player to a whitelist on your server.Ĭheat disallowplayertojoinnocheck - Removes a player off of your ARK server whitelist.Ĭheat broadcast - Broadcasts a message to all of your players on the server.Ĭheat givearmorset - Receive a specific tiered armor set with the quality specified.Ĭheat giveweaponset - Spawn in a weapon set of the quality set. The default size is 1.Ĭheat destroyall - Removes all creatures of the specified creature/entity ID.Ĭheat destroywilddinos - Clears all creatures on the map that have not yet been tamed.Ĭheat destroyallenemies - Removes all non-player creatures off of the map. Allows the player to walk as normal.Ĭheat changesize - Sets the size of your player in-game. Setcheatplayer - Opens and closes a simple cheat menu for that player.Ĭheat god - Enables and disables god mode, protecting players from most damage except for drowning.Ĭheat infinitestats - Fills up and stops health, stamina, oxygen, food, and water from lowering.Ĭheat gmbuff - Provides god mode as well as infinite stats and player experience.Ĭheat enemyinvisible - Makes all enemies ignore that player, even if attacked.Ĭheat leavemealone - Gives the player god mode, infinite stats, and makes enemies invisible.Ĭheat settimeofday - Sets the time on your ARK server.Ĭheat addexperience - Gives your player experience for leveling up and unlocking engrams.Ĭheat givecreativemode - Sets your player to creative mode with access to all resources.Ĭheat fly - Enables and disables flying for your player.Ĭheat ghost - Sets a player to ghost mode, allowing for noclipping through objects and the map.Ĭheat walk - Useful to stop flying and to stop using ghost mode. Showmyadminmanager - This command enables and disables an admin menu for viewing server information, connected players, banned players, white listed players, a cheat manager, and the ability to adjust the message of the day.

You are able to run commands and cheats through the cheat manager, along with various other important tools for managing your server!ĬHEATS AND ARK ADMIN COMMANDS BASE ADMIN COMMANDSĮnablecheats - This command is required if a player needs to use the ARK server admin password to gain administrator privileges.

You can give yourself ARK admin access through this guide.

Join us on a quest to learn about the many different ARK server commands and how you can use them on your ARK: Survival Evolved server. When you begin using ARK admin commands on your ARK server, in just a few presses you’ll be able to fly, enable god mode, spawn in custom items and armor, tame dinosaurs in a glance, and much more to bring the ultimate fun to your server and players. While exploring and finding new objects, recipes, and structures, you and your ARK companions can try ARK admin commands that unlock new experiences and potential for your server! During your adventures throughout the landscape of ARK: Survival Evolved, you will discover hundreds of items and creatures spanning many different worlds from colony ships and scorched deserts to extinct and corrupted lands.